What is a Gnome Child?

gnome child

A gnome child is an impish creature with the irrepressible energy and playfulness of childhood. They are some of the most playful creatures in the wood, though they do not forget their prank-loving roots as they mature into adulthood. Gnome children have a pointy cap and a perpetual smile, and they spend their lives enjoying their childhood, which lasts quite a few extra years than humans.

Most gnomes experience a period of rebellion during their childhood, known as First Stimulation. This phase occurs when a gnome is not satisfied with the role society has assigned to them. They refuse to attend school and instead choose to work on their first major invention. Often times, this invention will be completely useless, but it is important to the gnome to prove themselves to their parents and peers.

Despite this, gnomes generally settle down into a peaceful existence, even when they are not happy with their surroundings. They usually continue to invent and work at their schools, but they also take on other roles that society may not have expected of them. They are commonly seen as clerics, actors, or fact-finders in addition to their traditional inventor roles.

There are over fifteen schools of science located on Mt. Nevermind, and there is at least one in every gnomish settlement. These gnomes strive to become experts in all things scientific, but their rebellious side can sometimes get the best of them. Some gnomes will go so far as to question the beliefs and values of their gnomish community, and they are known as radicals or revolutionaries. These gnomes are typically ignored by their family, but they will find followers that believe in their cause and help them to form a new gnomish settlement.

Gnomes are known for their wise quotes and riddles. They have a tendency to warn the player of a new world coming from the underground, possibly referring to Arposandra. They also offer the player a king worm, which is used to make gnome cooking dishes.

A gnome child can be found throughout the Tree Gnome Stronghold, and they all use melee unlike their adult counterparts. They have a silly-looking chathead that has become popular in meme culture, and they are often heard saying such lines as, “My hat is off to you, elf.”