How to Get the Gnome Heritage Armor in World of Warcraft

gnome heritage armor

Heritage armor sets are a great way to add an extra layer of detail to your character’s appearance. They’re cosmetic transmogrification sets that can only be used by the race they’re for, and are available for many Allied and Main races in World of Warcraft.

They’re also a great way to spice up your RP with a little bit of the unique culture that their ancestors have left behind on Azeroth. With 18 heritage armor sets currently in WoW, you’ll have no problem finding a suitable set for your character.

How to Get the Gnome Heritage Armor

Unlike most of the other Allied and Main race heritage armor sets, the gnome heritage set requires some work on your part. To obtain it, you’ll need to have a level 120 gnome character with Exalted reputation with Gnomeregan. The best place to farm that reputation is through dungeons in Orgrimmar.

Once you’ve achieved Exalted, then head over to Eitrigg in Orgrimmar and accept the “A People in Need of Healing” questline, a series of quests that will reward a range of variations of this new gnome heritage armor. If you complete this questline, then you’ll be able to pick up the entire gnome heritage armor set, including all of the glyphs.

These glyphs are used to create the gnome heritage armor appearance, which can then be layered on any class (Cloth, Leather, Mail, Plate) of armor. These appearances are also tradable and can be sold to Lynea in the Commonlands tunnel for pet currency if you decide not to use them.

The questlines to obtain these glyphs aren’t quite as intuitive as they would have been a year or so ago, but with a bit of patience and hard work, you can quickly unlock the gnome heritage armor set in Dragonflight.

To unlock the gnome heritage armor set, you’ll need to complete the new gnome lore questline in Patch 10.0.7. This lore questline will take you to Mechagon Isle, where you’ll meet up with the leader of the gnomes, King Mechagon.

This questline will require you to complete several missions, which are designed to teach you about the history of the gnomes on Azeroth. If you do well on this questline, you’ll be rewarded with the gnome heritage armor, along with some other goodies for your character.

Getting the Heritage Armor for All Allied and Main Races

In addition to acquiring the gnome heritage armor, you’ll need to earn it from other allied and main races as well. To do so, you’ll need to complete a series of missions for each of the allied races and a few of the default races, too.

For example, to gain the gnome heritage armor set from a Nightborne or Highmountain Tauren, you’ll need to make a new Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren or Lightforged Draenei character, level them from zero to 50, then complete a new lore quest that will award you with the gnome heritage armor.