Gnome Romeo and Juliet

gnome romeo and juliet

Animated movie Gnome Romeo and Juliet is a take on William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy. This three-dimensional animated film features a cast of well-known voice talents, and is set in the backyards of England. The film has an extensive list of references to Shakespeare, and features an Elton John soundtrack. However, the movie has its share of flaws. Here are a few:

The movie begins with a prologue that shows filmmakers dressed in red and blue. It then shows a statue of Shakespeare that expects Romeo and Juliet with lawn ornaments. After a short montage, it then shows Gnome Romeo and Juliet meeting in the garden. They bump into each other, and continue to interact with each other.

Gnome Romeo and Juliet is loosely based on the Shakespeare play, with the film’s plot focusing on the love between Gnomeo and Juliet. This love story features a strong cast of voice actors, including Emily Blunt and James McAvoy, who are based on Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague, respectively. However, the film is not entirely based on the Shakespeare play, as it has some adult themes.

Gnome Romeo and Juliet features a good voice cast, including Ozzy Osbourne, Jason Statham, Richard Wilson, Julie Walters, and Richard Wilson. However, the film is depressing at times. It also has adult concepts and mild coarse language. The film’s ending is shocking, but it isn’t featured in the trailer.

Gnome Romeo and Juliet has an interesting prologue, which shows the filmmakers strip-mining Shakespeare’s play for its parts. They dress in red and blue and strip off Romeo and Juliet’s costumes and accessories to use the elements in the film. However, the red dress is also worn by Lady Blueberry, a red gnome who is the mother of Gnomeo. Lady Blueberry is the leader of the blue gnomes, and her biggest priority is to take care of her son.

Gnome Romeo and Juliet includes references to William Shakespeare, including Juliet’s cowlick, the pointy red hat, and “Out Out!” to keep a dog from the garden. Gnomes are also frequently mentioned. One of the jokes involves a frog waving to a gnome. The frog’s goofy Latin accent is a reference to the frog in the play.

Unlike the real play, which contains a number of deaths, Gnome Romeo and Juliet doesn’t have any. However, the film has some gruesome deaths. In addition to the main characters, the film includes the gnome Tybalt, who is played by Jason Statham. The red gnome also has a raging temper. The film also includes a number of gnome jokes, including “Bless her to bits!”.

The film also includes an Elton John soundtrack, which supplements the many changes in tone and pacing. The soundtrack is almost entirely Elton John songs. It includes “Dance Party,” “I’ll Take Love,” “Midnight Catburgling,” “The Rose,” and “Treasured Kiss.” The film also includes several references to Shakespeare, including “To be or not to be,” “As he is,” “The Tempest,” and “The Merry Wives of Windsor.” The film’s ending is not featured in the trailer.